
New Year’s Resolutions

Well, we gave it the old college try. I thought we could rise above, or maybe DaddyYo could learn to to coexist with the readers of Skate and Annoy, but I continue to get almost daily requests from completely different people asking me to ban DaddyYo. His positive contributions are dwarfed by the sheer volume of his combative comments and his general antagonistic and disruptive nature. Some people are having fun dueling with him, but for the vast majority he’s an annoying distraction.

WINNER: DaddyYo! You’ve been banned.


58 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. yay, i kinda gonna miss that idiot… who am i kidding, so long fucker!

  2. carvin marvin on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    he was boring and his posts were too long

  3. skaterdave on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    I did have trouble staying on topic after buttpad arrived…

  4. nweyesk8 on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    finally something to cheer about in the new year!!!

  5. houseofneil on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    good decision Randy. Who needs that aggravation on a daily basis?

  6. Ahh… like an after Thanksgiving throne visit… Thank you Kilwag. Thank you. Happy New Year, Man. Happy MelonFarmin’ New Year!

  7. I learned not read his comments and I tryied not to respond (I even held my tounge when he said that dolls board looked realistic it has some sort of binding straps, how realistic is that?) but I was stoked that he was wasting his time. whew… what an output! that guy works hard enough to be getting paid by fox! I sure hope is other haunts are also not buying that particular party line.

  8. Dumbest motherfucker on the web.

  9. good call. he was way too much annoy and not enough skate for this site.

  10. Thanks. I was so sick of his shit.

  11. Zed-word on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    Now if we could only ban those faggot BMXers from all skateparks, right? Right?

  12. I had actually stopped commenting on things just to avoid any semblance of communicating with it.

  13. Damienhialation on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    I’m gonna miss him. It’s nice to have someone around that knows absolutely everything there is to know about everything…

  14. chaperone on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    Good riddance.

  15. Danimal on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    daddy yo can’t kickflip.

  16. Estes' Ghost on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    He was the best “sort of’ skateboarder I ever had the pleasure of telling to F-off. Will Bobcat chime in?

  17. Will Jones on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    couldnt he just post using a different name?

  18. Prickly Pete on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    Heave ho! He was trying to make this site his site.

  19. BJJPDX/Tom on January 1, 2009 - Reply

    Thank god, that dude was a douche.

  20. Probably for the best. Maybe he’ll start his own site, he could call it “Annoy and Annoy”.

  21. Zed-word on January 2, 2009 - Reply

    Kilwag, help! It is Zombie-Yo! He has returned from the dead to tell us to fuck off!

  22. Will Jones – it depends on how much he wants to push it. I’m going to put a hold on every ip address he posts from.

    Don’t bother to email me DaddyYo, I’m filtering it right into the junk mail box.

  23. Help us!
    We have been infected with the great Daddy Yo Virus of 2009!

  24. Kilwag cmon you gotta post his emails for us to see.

  25. His posts didn’t bother me. They are just words compiled into sentence format. What really bothered me was his name. Daddy Yo sounded too much like a name for a wakeboard shop in Lake Havasu. He should have picked something better like: NeonDeathWatch, Janet Reno’s Underwear, Hellgsbithgizor, GrindSlider, etc… Then I think you guys would have been OK with him.

  26. Yo Daddy on January 2, 2009 - Reply


  27. SnA committed to keeping the internet free from “annoying distraction” just doesn’t have a good ring to it. Daddy who? I’m disappointed that readers couldn’t just ignore him, who’s next?

  28. skaterdave on January 2, 2009 - Reply


  29. Egbert, dude your blowin’ out all the cool name list. 🙂

  30. id like to see those emails too… stop hogging the goodies, randy!!!

  31. Simply Stupid on January 2, 2009 - Reply

    He really was a dick 4. Who cares who is next he is gone. HAHAHA.
    Seriously it is a web site be gone from here spammer DEMON.


  32. Zed-word on January 2, 2009 - Reply

    All quiet on the western front…

  33. Estes' Ghost on January 2, 2009 - Reply

    Wow- Bobcat has yet to enjoy this news?

  34. My comment is still awaiting moderation, but yeah i’ve been too busy taking photos of boobies for stakbot. The past 3 days have been quite epic, go look.

  35. I posted this as Daddyyo but i guess sock puppets aren’t allowed here:

    Hey you liberal retards with your stupid newly elected president and fancy clothes bringing propaganda to the publicly funded skateparks and ruining other peoples time with bad run on sentences and shit!

    hahah it

  36. poopbreak on January 3, 2009 - Reply

    wow, i just read through the clusterfuck of comments on the ‘this dream can be yours’ post. now i see what all the fuss is about. i figured something out though. if you read daddyYo’s posts while conjuring Dwight Shrewt from the Office, the shit is hilariously spot on.

    “I post some reasonable opinion. I am attacked by some punk looking to make a reputation for himself. I smack down the punk. Some

  37. hey poopbreak, you just made my day. thanks

  38. gee, how Christian of you

  39. Personally, I’d go as far as delete all of his comments, or change his name to something else, just so he’d have no “search” hits of his dickness on SnA… but that’s just me, I’m nobody. But seriously, thanks again, Kilwag.

  40. Estes' Ghost on January 3, 2009 - Reply

    Is that ‘sort’ of skateboarder back?

  41. Hellgsbithgizo on January 4, 2009 - Reply

    @ Estes’-no, it was a rogue user trying to be funny. Thanks egbert for my new name…my next board will be a merde!

  42. Estes' Ghost on January 4, 2009 - Reply

    Egbert- Can I use Janet Reno’s Underwear? That shit is funny. I’m going to have to get more creative too. Although- I did sorta like “Kilwags Spine” for those few days.

  43. Possibly the best part is that you know the douchebag is reading this, but he can’t respond.

    Eat a fat bag of dicks, you useless shit!

  44. Estes' Ghost on January 4, 2009 - Reply

    I think a S&A T-shirt with his most ‘un’ popular quotes is in order……

  45. skaterdave on January 4, 2009 - Reply

    Here’s my favorite :”I ride a skateboard of sorts so I guess that makes me a skateboarder of sorts.”

  46. i just got the news. Now i can start comming back here and actually reading cool posts stuff and stuff.

  47. Prickly Pete on January 5, 2009 - Reply

    I think he was a Daniel Gessmer operative.

  48. Its too bad you have to ban anyone. But I agree with you decision. He was using the site as his personal barf bucket. This is a community. Well done.

  49. I wish I didn’t have to ban anyone. Bums me out, but he could have prevented it.

  50. wow, im going to miss most of all the pop up warning not to post if you’re that dick.

  51. Maybe he can keep us all entertained with his blog. (Notice how he has removed the “Comment” ability)

  52. enemy combatant on January 6, 2009 - Reply

    Ban houseofneil !!! Even though he does post the useful monthly board auction recap most of his other whiny, old lady mewlings are just as bad as anything DaddyYo ever wrote. Worse even. Especially his lame middle-age rants about obscure punk rock shows he attended. Nothing is more pathetic than a middle-aged mosh pit casualty with a goddamn mortgage.


  53. skaterdave45 on January 6, 2009 - Reply

    “middle-aged mosh pit casualty with a goddamn mortgage.” Uh oh, I represent that remark…

  54. jakeferranti on January 6, 2009 - Reply

    Your life is 1/2 over, haw haw!

    1. At least!

  55. gyou guys are no fun anymore. banning the funnest dude ever. dont ban houseofneil, too. then its just a bunch of dudes circle jerking each other over slalom video’s and shit.

  56. nweyesk8 on January 10, 2009 - Reply

    sshhh, did you hear that? me neither, it’s kinda nice 🙂

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