Longboarders in the news

Healthy, Fashionable Criminals

Wrapping up some longboard-centric items. First up is fashion designer Adam Kimmel’s promo film Claremont consisting of a couple of beardos screaming downhill in suits we can only assume were designed by Adam Kimmel. I’m not exactly sure how the tie in works, but it seems to be getting people talking. The right people? I can’t make that call. I thought it was a hoax at first, as far as Adam Kimmel being in the fashion industry, but it would have to be an elaborate one. The downhill action looks insanely fast. These guys even pass a car as well as passing the camera between themselves and shooting backwards. I don’t know how they do it, but my helmet is off to them. They make a certain German downhiller look like a wuss in comparison. Supposedly, German police are on the lookout for a man assumed to be “a professional stuntman” in full leathers who reached 62 MPH on a two mile stretch of the Autobahn after getting a tow in by a motorcycle. Pfffft! Talk to me when you do it in light blue polyester. Lastly, there’s the L.A. Times article titled More skaters switching to longboards, from the Health section no less. Because it’s the internet, you can watch both videos in the same place.

– Thanks to sk8norcal, Jake, Colin and Micheal for the tips.

Adam Kimmel presents Claremont

He designs clothes. People take pictures of them and put them in magazines.

German Police Hunt Skateboarder After 62 MPH Autobahn Stunt.

From Live Leak.

‘Substantial fine’
The German magazine Stern said the mystery man is known in skateboarding circles as a professional stuntman and takes part in international downhill skateboarding competitions.

Stoeckle said the man faces charges for interfering with traffic safety and endangering motorists, and would lose his driver’s license and face a “substantial fine.” He denied media reports the skateboarder would face a one-year jail sentence.

There are no speed limits on German highways but there are restrictions on many sections, especially steep and dangerous stretches. The section the skateboarder was using has an 50 mph speed limit.


13 thoughts on “Healthy, Fashionable Criminals

  1. those blue suit wearing dudes are nuts….and passing the camera, wow!

  2. Yeah Patrick and Noah! These dudes rip on any type of skateboard you put them on, and they’re fucking kamikaze about it! That hill is in Berkley right above their neighborhood, it’s a pretty gnarly road and really fun.

    And that German dude is barely breaking 50, I don’t know where they got the 62mph from, doesn’t look like it. Here’s 60 in the Portland area. So far we’ve only found 2 hills you can break 60 on around here.


  3. rizzo and noah are two very gnarly skaters and two very nice guys. can’t wait to go back to berkley!

  4. poopoo pants on September 9, 2008 - Reply

    epic footage

  5. Thats sick as hell. I love when the guy in the suit passed the car like it was standing still.!!

  6. […] So I know I’m usually quick to dismiss longboarding, but holy fucking fuck. Pretty much if you’re going to longboard, this is the way to do it, none of this college campus lazy pushing, PASSING CARS is where it’s at. Taxed from SnA. […]

  7. “And that German dude is barely breaking 50, I don

  8. Dragon’s tail is out in Gaston!!! Close to three miles down from the top…It’s the baddest!!!

  9. the new speed longboarders are shooting for is 125 kph. 100 kph is old news.

  10. What’s next?

    **Motorcyclist dies in Utah speed record attempt
    Sep 5, 12:41 am EDT


  11. “the new speed longboarders are shooting for is 125 kph. 100 kph is old news.”

    Yeah I know. I was just making the point that the (presumably German) journalist who put the original “the police are looking for…” story together will have rounded up to 100KPH and another journo translated it into MPH

    Frankly i’m surprised they didn’t just change the K to an M…

  12. what the H kilwag? longboarding? we got to talk 😛

  13. benny b bones on September 12, 2008 - Reply

    Fashionable? Is the Dumb and Dumber suit look in now?Did I miss something?

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