This is Fly
Does that background graphic look familiar? The article is an interview with a well-known fly-fishing personality. I wonder if he has a dark history – he does suggest he might have to kill the interviewer if forced to reveal his fishing plans. thisisfly.com is a web ‘zine targeted at dudes who like to get radical with a flyrod. I am told that the east coast saltwater scene is a more thrill oriented than the freshwater scene. I wonder if these guys are into the PBR rather than the single-malt scotch and briar pipes.
There is a beer review. Obsessed guys checking out unlikely spots. An article about small shops being forced out when giant retailers start selling their gear. Hmm, work with me here, I’m seeing some parallels. The flash-magazine includes a music player loaded with a thoughtful playlist including Guns and Roses, Motley Crue, Metallica, Beastie Boys representing the Eighties theme of this issue (an earlier issue about Carribean action featured a reggae sountrack.)
Okay, I’ll stop, check it out if you’re interested.
Fuck yea bout time! My friends dad once asked me when I was going to quit skating and take up fishing. Soon enough