Miniramp construction

Minramp break down

Tracy Sigler built a mostly modular miniramp in his basement and documented the hell out of the whole process. It cost him about $800 to get all the materials delivered to his door to build what looks like a 12 foot wide 3 and a half foot tall mini ramp. I’ve built a handful of ramps in my day, and I’ve been known to over engineer my structures so that they could withstand large earthquakes (or small Grover-quakes.) Tracy builds them right. He’s more of a Yankee Workshop ramp builder than a measure once cut twice guy. Er, I assume tracy is a guy, or maybe I’m just a sexist pig. Tracy even has a nice diagram on how to set the coping (too low!), which is one area where a lot of first time ramp builders balk. Check out Tracy’s basement ramp break down, he/she is Heavy Duty.


5 thoughts on “Minramp break down

  1. that ramp looks sweet

  2. Danimal on October 5, 2007 - Reply

    thats cool but the side against the concrete all should have a wallride, imo bfd

  3. Phil Hartman once did a character named the “Anal Retentive Chef.” That’s all.

  4. Yes, I am a dude. And, I will admit to being anal about some details. But there is nothing more annoying than trying to correct mistakes once you’re down the road with any project. Sometimes once you start typing it’s hard to decide what details to leave out. The coping came out just fine for me. It’s got a fair amount of pop, which I like. I hope someone finds it useful.

  5. sweet u r so so lucky

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