Skateboard Zombies from Japan
The Skate Zombies series of vinyl toys by Japanese designer Tsuchiya Shobu. They go by the names Bone, Mummy, and Mosquito. They are ten inches tall and come with what looks to be a detachable skateboard. Expect to drop about $80. $80???? The tooling process must be pretty expensive for a small run, otherwise we’d be selling GVK dolls, errr, I mean figures.
[Source: Lost at E Minor]
If I had the money to flush in the toilet, I would pick these up. So cool. Reminds me of the Gonz collection Addidas did…..
hey whoa… Danny chill out. I’m not even gonna read what you have been writing. you are possibly the radest skater who regularly makes comments on this website, but you are blowing your cool. I hope Killwag does not ban you, because you are a OG skater, and I know I can gleen some of your knowledge. but you are puting yourself into an arena with lions to be eaten up. just chill out.
all of us have hot heads. we all have tempers. that is part of what makes us skaters to the core. lots of us drink and smoke and we party, and write stupid shit on the internet. but dude, you need to either join us or go away. just be calm, ok? before you hit that “submit comment” button read over your words. lots of these guys can make fun of you because you put yourself in that position. I 100% respect what your generation brought to the fold, but the only reason these comenters, myself included, are messing with you is because you came at Skate and Annoy in the attack position.
I respect all skating. just chill out and be a skater. we are a group. skaters are a group. a subculture. stay with us bro. be a part of the skater subculture, because really man, we love you. ya’ know, we even love that you are this old dude, who has been there, done that. and seriously, your board sounds sweek, I would ride it. it sounds fun, and nice looking.
Danny you are a part of my heritage, please keep contributing to it! all you other guys have writen some really funny stuff, and you have talent with words, but let’s try and keep Danny’s cool, cos he needs us not to antagonize him so much. take me for example: I hate the government and cops etc. I just want to skate and have a good time. I sort of hate people in general (younger skaters included) skating helps me be free from the hate. without skating, I am a psycho. most of us have “not taken our cues from Danny”. but he seriously is our elder, if we trash him we are setting ourselves up for being trashed in the future. with my 39 yr old broken wrist I type, I hope to be skating when I’m Dannys age, and I hope no 30 yr old grommets are in my way. so Danny hold your head high (it deserves to be) but chill out bro, and come back tomorrow as a bro, and not as an enemy, because we all skate, and what else matters??
Cutis What matters is respect for all mankind yet these half assed women bashers and faggots blow the whole skateboarding image .Can’t you see what they are doing ? Very truly yours, Daniel f. Bearer 111
DB has proven himself to be the next D-Yo. His whole vibe is wrong. I know he a legend and all, but so is Gator. Can you just ban him already?
Danny, I don’t think they are doing much harm.
seriously not many people read these comments. the ones that do are like me, they are mostly middle aged (as far as skaters go) and their opinions are set in there ways. they are often just trying to be funny, and they write their comments to pump themselves up. I think me and you do the same thing in our own ways. there is not too much harm in that. while some people might find their humor distasteful, they should just disregard it as humor that hapens to be distasteful. as far as fags go, very few gay guys have what it takes to be a skater, in the same way few women are skaters. I’m not trying to say gay people or women don’t have the guts to be a skater, I think it has more to do with our society as a whole. I think society fools women into thinking skating is not for them. and like they should be cheerleaders or housewives, but if you ask me, skater chicks are hot!!! but I digress.
you said it best “what matters best is respect for all mankind” and that includes women, fags (gay people I know have grown comfortable with the term “fag”) and non skaters. some people belive we are “all god’s children” and I always assumed that meant everyone, fags included, afterall no one belives the Devil created anything.
I’ll tell you what Danny, I grew up in a redneck town as a skater. and because of that i have been called “faggot” so many times that the term really means nothing to me. and the “image” of skating has never had an effect on my desire or need to skate. I used to skate regardless of being labled a “fag” , and now as an older guy I keep skating even though people think I’m too old and should quit.
it’s my bed time I hope you are here tomorrow, but I hope you don’t let these assholes (myself included) get to you, or you will become one of them (or shall I say us)