The Snack Artist Gets Ramped Up
The in-house Safeway brand Snack Artist tortilla chips in “ramped up” zesty ranch flavor. Radical.
The in-house Safeway brand Snack Artist tortilla chips in “ramped up” zesty ranch flavor. Radical.
Sacramento Republic FC is making a (well deserved) push to get into Major League Soccer. One of the requirements for expansion teams is a soccer-specific stadium capable of seating 20,000 or more people. MLS, has been cagey about offering SRFC a franchise, but that hasn’t stopped them from promoting Built for Sacramento, a web site showcasing the proposed design for the new stadium. The video promo is eerily reminiscent of the city of Portland, with hipster barber shops, breweries, rabid soccer fans, two rivers intersecting, and yes, skateboarding. You can pretty much overdub “Portland” every time they say Sacramento and you might not notice, even with the visuals. Except of the weather.
Read moreThe only thing stirring were the elves in my hard drive that found this circa 2007 image of a World Industries Christmas stocking and skateboard. How did the 2007 Interwebs know that 2015 Skate and Annoy would use 500 pixel wide images on the front page? Truly a Christmas Miracle.
Putting the “annoy” in Skate and Annoy. I defy you to sit through this entire DIY fingerboard ramp project video. Then blame Josh for this tip.
Read moreThis cheap looking Alva complete sold for $118 on eBay a while ago. The sticker on the tail says it’s ‘made in Taiwan’. Sean Cliver thinks some company had a short-lived licensing deal with Alva to produce cheap completes, since there are only a few examples of these Taiwanese decks. Anyway, I did some research: details of this deck and more examples of Alva completes after the jump.
Read moreMischo Erban has allegedly NGV Nextboards has set a land speed record for an electric skateboard on level ground at 109.2 kph or 67.85 mph. According to Mischo, the speed of the actual device had not maxed out yet. He did manage to melt a couple sets of wheels in the attempt. There are a lot of electric skateboards out there, most of them seem to geared towards the campus cruiser market, so this one is a bit of an outlier. One thing the admittedly have to tackle is their proprietary wheel setup, which seems like a deal breaker for anyone who would be serious enough about this type of riding to want to spend the dough to buy one.
Read moreBrand X has added two new reissues, the X-Con 1 and the Vertical Hold. They’ve got an extended Black Friday sale going on right now. Details after the jump.
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It’s the day after Thanksgiving, what are you doing reading this web site when you should be out there winning the battle against ISIS/Daesh through buying Christmas ornaments with skateboarding graphics on them? On Veterans Day you can say you fought with the Bones Brigade.