
Well, you know.

This is some guy from Texas. I was watching him further down in the pipe and it looked like he had the height a few times, but he wasn’t going anywhere near the door. Then all of the sudden he went for it and surprised the hell out everyone. That’s clearance, Clarence!


XGames 3D the movie

Opening today at selected theaters and running for a week is XGames 3D the movie. Freestyle motocross, vert BMX, skateboarding, snowboarding and Rally Car driving are featured and there is plenty of gnarly action. There are featured personalities and highlights from last year’s events as well as memorable moments from previous events. Jake Brown and Danny Way’s mega ramp slams are crazy to see on the big screen.

I have not seen any of the recent crop of 3D movies. XGames 3D The Movie is a large scale application of the 3D effect but after a while I forgot about it. I probably would have enjoyed it just as much as a normal big screen experience, although you do get a good sense of the scale of the MegaRamp.

It was great to see some of the Danny Way milestones, as well as Matt Hoffman’s BMX backflip and the first moto double backflip in competition, presented at that scale. I was quite moved by the Megaramp finale – with Danny Way continuing to compete after a bad slam – even though I had watched the thing whole thing on YouTube a year ago.

I’ll rate it better than Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince but not as good as District 9 or the latest Star Trek even with the 3D and I will partially agree with Slash that it was f***ing Amazing!

Kilwag’s review after the jump.

The Editor weighs in.

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Yeah, the 90’s were hard for vert skaters

Yes, well, Tony Hawk did spandex demos in the parking lot of Six Flags, but now he has a whole ride named after him. What about the lessor known skaters. I can’t remember how I found this, but its both hard to watch and very funny. It’s a demo sponsored by Welches Grape soda, complete with BMX, a guy dressed like Dick Tracy, and a 90’s soundtrack… It takes two!

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Tony Hawk in Africa

It’s old news, but it’s good news. Tony Hawk was in South Africa skating with the locals, and I mean the Zulu locals, which was coincidentally an early name for the Ramp Locals in a working version of the Thrashin’ script. Tony was there in conjunction with Laureus World Sports Academy in order to attend a launch for an Indigo Youth Movement project, whose goal is to “to help young people in rural communities develop life skills and confidence through skateboarding.” Who started the IYM? Why, our old friend Dallas Oberholzer. This isn’t Tony’s first involvement with youth skateboarding in Africa. Birdhouse and the Tony Hawk Foundation have sent boxes of product to the Uganda Skateboard Union, including skateboards and shoes. It’s true. I’ve seen the pictures on the Interwebs™. I just can’t find them.

[Photo: Patrick Royal for Laureus]