
She’s got a Secret

The Side Project has a video of the photo shoot for an advert for Secret antiperspirant for women. Before seeing the video I just assumed it was all posed photoshop work,you know, because I’m a male chauvinist pig. But, it turns out to be an actual sequence of a skater named Leticia Bufoni. The only major thing photoshopped appears to be sneakers. The ad appears in the October 2009 issue of Glamour. If your subscription lapsed like mine did, check it out at the The Side Project. I believe Lisa Whitaker is associated with this site. You may remember her appearance as a stunt double in a cigarette commercial for Capri Slims.

– Thanks again to GN for the tip.

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caustic defiance

Caustic Defiance: CD on CD

My friend is going to burst a gasket if I don’t post about this Caustic Defiance/Negative Element split CD release. It seems a Japanese label called Akashic Records has decided to release his 80’s hardcore band’s demo tapes. It happens to everyone doesn’t it? House of Neil and I are still waiting for a very polite call… Caustic Defiance rings a bell, you say? That’s because their promo shot was featured as a Shot of the Week here back in 07. Why Dr. Brad is “up in my grill” about mentioning it here is a bit of a mystery. It’s not like he needs the buzz to get laid or anything. I mean he’s a grown man with a wife and responsible job. Maybe it’s because 80’s skate legends have recently been spotted chatting up his old lady. The CD of C.D. is getting good reviews on, You can pick it up at or preview some tracks on MySpace. Can a Caustic Defiance model on Backstage Skateboards be far behind?


GX Skate gyro thingy

Man, that kid looks stoked. This is called the GX Skate. I stared at these things in the store for about ten minutes trying to figure out how they worked and what they would do. Then I saw the video and all made sense, until it didn’t make sense after all. Turns out these things are an offshoot of automobile-based toy. Someone thought to themselves, “Hey, skateboards are hot with the kids, lets turn those car toys into skateboards.” The movement is fun to watch, but it doesn’t really corollate physically to a skateboard.

– Thanks to Hung Chang for the tip.

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The John Doe Zine and Randy’s poor memory post

So if you read the post below by Randy who can’t remember what happened yesterday, you’ll see that Randy was invited to be interviewed on the John Doe Zine. This is an excellent concept that Mr. Doe has done well with interviews from:

Patrick O’dell
Chad Balcom
Ryan Clement from Skatepark of Tampa
Steve Saiz
and our very own Bobcat of Sleestak

Visit John Doe Zine to see the complete list…

The only complaint I have is that the conversations get off on major tangents into complete asinine conversations about nothing… of course, maybe that’s the point? and Randy is SOOO boring. Jesus … how monotone can a guy’s voice get?


Talk to this loser. RIGHT NOW!

I totally spaced this interview I am doing with John Doe Zine. Call 347 633 9578 at 4:30pm Mountain to get in on it. It’s one big party line. You’ll meet dates too.

I am a master of self promotion, obviously. Actually, I blame Colin, he was supposed to write up the John Doe interviews story.

UPDATE: Well, it’s over now, for better or worse, you can listen to it online at Blog Talk Radio, or catch it after the jump.

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