Pete Shelley – R.I.P.
Massive, massive influence for myself and Neil. I didn’t get to see them live until ’91 or so, but those records were on heavy rotation for so long… still are. – Randy
Read moreMassive, massive influence for myself and Neil. I didn’t get to see them live until ’91 or so, but those records were on heavy rotation for so long… still are. – Randy
Read moreTwo comic book, two different millennium. On the left we have Frank Thorne’s Ribit #1 from 1989. Frank is probably best known for Red Sonja, but what exactly is Ribit? “Ribit was created by a female sorcerer named Sahtee. Ribit was a lizard and a pet of Thong, who is Sahtee’s aide. Thong is a good-natured fat man who constantly wishes for a woman to love.” Well OK then. That (mute?) stinkbug grab can be excused since Ribit appears to be part frog. That board though… Check out that deck; No bushings, no nose, no tail, and nearly symmetrical. Good thing those trucks can’t pivot, or the wheelbase on those giant rails would be deadly. Fun! I didn’t shell out $15 to find out I there are other skateboarding panels inside.
On the right is a Ghost Rider comic with a variant cover #1 that might have come out in 2018 even though it references the 80’s too. Marvel released a ton of variant covers, but I can’t find this one anywhere except in a blind link to reddit. From the looks of the other variant covers, they don’t appear to have anything to do with the actual stories inside. If you know a millennial, ask them if they can help me figure out the Googles so I can look it up properly.
Thanks to Steve Aycock for the tip.
Read moreSpeed Wobble IPA is a collaboration between Bustin Boards and Key Brewing out of Dundalk, Maryland. The original post on the Bustin site mentions an April canning date, but the post itself has no date. The beer isn’t listed on Key Brewing web site. Those cans were found in a store this week, so you should still be able to get some if you live in the right area. Me, I live in the IPA capital of the world, and I’m sick of them. Go to any Portland area grocery store and you’ll be overwhelmed with craft beer choices, mostly local. The trouble is, 2/3 of the selection are IPAs. I counted 42 varieties of IPA’s at my local Safeway this summer.
– Thanks to Scott Carr for the tip and photo.
Read moreWhat is this thing? Is it an ollie trainer, or is it just a regular ole Maui and Sons skateboard that some eccentric nut decided to make even more dangerous by replacing the trucks with giant springs? I’m not sure what you could actually do with this, besides try to sell it on Ebay. This appears to be the “Thrasher Sharkson” pro model.
Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.
Read moreThese pics of David Lee Roth on a skateboard have been floating around the interwebs for more than a decade. I’ve never been able to track down the original source. Also, I don’t really care about Eddie so much, but there he is. The real reason for this post is that I just learned that the single Pretty Woman was recorded in Dennis Dragon’s studio in Malibu California. This tidbit came from The Van Halen News Desk, a brief blurb in their post on the story behind Van Halen’s (Oh) Pretty Woman. They don’t even mention him by name: “Van Halen’s original demo for the song (which remains uncirculated) was recorded in Malibu, CA, in a 16-track studio owned by the brother of Daryl Dragon (one-half of the 1970s singing duo the Captain and Tennille).”
Read moreQuora advertises itself as a place to share knowledge and better understand the world. Ask a question and someone will try to answer. Do professional skateboarders use steroids? Maybe the Dynamic Dudes did. I imagine we’ll find out once the next Olympics kick in.
UPDATE: Someone also wants to know if it’s harder to skateboard if you are a girl. Damn those pesky X chromosomes!
– Thanks to MC for the tip.
Read moreIt seems like a lifetime ago, but it was back in 2015 when I originally posted on Folkestone Skate Park, a multi-story skatepark whose contoured bowls would form the ceiling and floors of each story. I said I’d be shocked if it ever progressed beyond a design exercise, and well… I’m shocked, stunned, and amazed! Guy Hollaway Architects posted some construction updates. This thing is real. Wow.
– Thanks to Tallboycan for the tip.
Yesterday we saw preliminary reports that Julie Lynn Kindstrand may have been sexually assaulted as a minor by Neal Hendrix, but the source was abstracted enough that we left it until today to post. These are serious accusations, and we didn’t want to post something half-baked. Since then it has started appearing on ESPN and the Wall Street Journal. Neal Hendrix denies the allegations. Julie Kindstrand has provided a six page document to the Costa Mesa police, as well as the International Olympic Committee and the U.S. Olympic Committee. Although suspended, Neal Hendrix is still listed (at the time of this publication) as an Athlete Representative and Executive Committee member on the USA Skateboarding web site.
Update: Video statement from Julie.
NOTICE: Comments will remain open on this thread. Anything misogynistic or overtly inflammatory, such as threats of harm will result in an immediate ban. It’s time to be an adult.
Read moreSurely you’ve seen the Little Big video from the still (above left) all over social media this week. I can’t really stomach the music, but I can appreciate the weirdness. Delving into their back catalog revealed a handful of bizarre amusing videos, including Hateful Love, one that features a meat skateboard. Bonus video for Punks Not Dead as well, after the jump.
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