Tom Fain and friends

Tom Fain and friends

We mentioned Tom Fain in a piece about the defunct Skatepark Magazine since he was on the cover posing with his eight wheeled skateboard under the caption “Why every community could use a Tom Fain.” and I made the joke “Really? Every community could use a guy who is seemingly completely out of touch with […]

Stephen Baldwin

Jebus Baldwin

Speaking of the resurrection of our Lord Jebus, and finishing up the Easter Roundup is this shot of Stephen Baldwin at the LA airport carrying a religious-themed skateboard with wheels that are large enough to be some sort of miracle. Verily, His wheels were just big enough for street skating, but when he got to […]

Easter skate crap

Jesus loves Easter, slalom skating and Scooby

Because it’s relevant, and in case you missed the Jesus skateboarding figure. Like all holidays, Easter stuff goes on sale the day after the event. I picked up this Extreme™! Scooby Doo Easter basket last year for about $12, which was down from $30, I believe. Scooby can’t decide if he wants to hit the […]

stickers for trade

Sticky situation

People are always hitting me up for my sticker collection, which isn’t for sale. Some people have actually gotten bent out of shape about the sticker gallery, saying that it makes it easy for people to flood the eBay market with counterfeit stickers. I have no empathy for that, stickers are just little pieces of […]

Perry Bible Fellowship

PBR? No, PBF on Skate Churches

The Perry Bible Fellowship is a weird little comic. Rather than do any of the work myself (Far Side on bad acid-Oops!), here’s what Publishers Weekly has to say: Despite its name, the comic has little to do with Christianity, save the occasional strips blending the religious and the profane. With an artistic style that […]

Lamb of god

Jeebus ripping

Jesus Mousepads! Get your Jesus mousepads here! Holeyware is a Café Press store, so it’s not like these are actual mass produced items for sale. Still, it’s nice to know you can buy a mouse pad with Jesus on a bad 80’s skateboard. I mean if he’s really old school, shouldn’t he be on a […]

it's raining jesus

Praise the lord not the board

I was going to title this post “It’s reigning Jesus” or “It’s raining (religious) men” but instead I used a quote from an article in the Anchorage Press titled “Excuse me while I kiss the sky.” It’s a heartwarming tale of an 18 year old kid in Anchorage who is fighting the Alaskan weather and […]

Xtreme Christmas skateboard ornaments


Merry X-treme-mas! Ho, ho, haaar! Here’s a wrap up of skateboard Christmas ornaments. Sorry Jews, Muslims, Mormans, Rastafarians, Pastafarians, Pan-Africans, etc… Nothing against you. Praise Jeebus and give thanks to Batman.

This week in skating god

God Skates

God Skates! Not to be confused with the seminal skate rock band McWilson’s tune of the same name. Skate churches are nothing new. Here’s a roundup of Christians and skatebording in the news.