Ahh, your mother wears combat boots…

…which will come in handy this weekend if she wants to work on these DIY projects. Marginal Way in Seattle has a benefit this Saturday Sunday and Brooklyn Street Skate Spot in Portland is having one this Sunday, which is Mother’s day… so yeah, bring your mom I guess. Saturday. Flyers and video scrapbook of […]

Brooklyn Street in the Portland Mercury

There’s an article about the Brooklyn Street Skate Spot in the Portland Mercury. The picture is old, because phase one is done, right down to the pool coping! Disturbing news though, according to the article, Portland’s light rail is set to impinge on the spot’s footprint as early as 2014. However, I’m not sure if […]

Brooklyn Street Benefit Tonight

All ages benefit show, 8pm tonight the Atristery (4315 SE Division St, Portland, OR) featuring White Fang, Gepetto, Oak Rot and Moth Dust. Door open 7:30pm. Show starts at 8pm. $5-10 suggested donation. If you decide you absolutely have to move obstacles outside of the confines of Brooklyn Street (see above left) – please put […]

Brooklyn Street is broke

But man, the results so far look great. There’s a benefit show on October 14th covering a wide range in the musical spectrum. Flyer and bigger pic after the jump.

Brooklyn Street

I’m freely admitting to filling space here. Some of the things purchased with recent fundraising efforst include sand, gravel a generator, and of course concrete. They’ve got a plan. Make one of these in your neighborhood.

Brooklyn Street progress

Status report. The pedestrian bridge in the background is slated for removal. Something to do with a new bridge going up somewhere nearby tied into mass transit expansion. I’m not sure why you have to tear one down to build another one somewhere else, but it works out to our favor. Tearing down the bridge […]


It stands for Brooklyn Street Skate Spot Shots, what else? Super funs spot. Easy to ride, but the tech guys can get all techy if they want. There is no drama with opposing build crews, just a miscommunication is all. On Saturday they raised over $150 bucks. I’m lobbying for a runway on the other […]

Brooklyn St Skate Spot benefit

Meanwhile, closer to home. There’s a benefit BBQ this Saturday the 7th for the Brooklyn Street Skate Spot in Portland. I have to admit I chuckled when I first heard there was a benefit for this tiny spot. This picture is old, actually, but I just heard they’ve hit a snag. The original organizers were […]

Reader D.I.Y.

Drama still unfolding. Surrounding neighbors and businesses are 100% with the exception of one not-to-bright business owner whose main objection is that “those kids have no right to be there.” The area is desolate, any kid with a broom is only making an improvement.