Alex Cooper in Cosmopolitan

I saw this in issue in an airport but I didn’t get a chance to flip through it. Alex Cooper is the host of an apparently very popular podcast titled Call her Daddy. This is one of the covers from the November 2023 issue of Cosmopolitan, which based on a promo video might also contain […]

Action Now #1 added to Advert Gallery

The magazine that bummed out a generation of skaters… I’ve added all the adverts from issue #1 of Action Now magazine, labeled as Volume 7, #1 published in August of 1980. It’s a pretty thin issue and only has 30 ads total. In a few issues the magazine gets beefy again, I’ll bet they thought […]

Action Now: Freedom Of Choice – The Film

It’s mid 1980 and the term “music video” had yet to be coined. Meanwhile, Devo had been making films to accompany their music since 1976. The skateboarding industry is slumping, so much so that Skateboarder magazine changes it’s name to “Action Now” to include nascent Extreme!®™sports coverage in an attempt to broaden the appeal and […]

Monster Skateboard Magazine Vintage Adverts

I just added 23 ads from the issue #30 of German skateboarding magazine Monster to the Vintage Skatemag Advertisement gallery. It offers a bit if a break from the same old ads you probably saw run in multiple issues of USA based magazines. The content of the magazine is in German, but the ads are […]

Task, Purpose, and kick flips.

Task and Purpose is an online publication covering US military news and culture. They recently published an article awkwardly titled “Meet the skateboarding Green Beret shredding the civilian-military gap.” It’s an odd fluff piece filled with bits like “Klakowicz describes a Green Beret spending time on the range to improve their shooting skills with a […]

Art of the Skateboard Stamps & Stickers

The USPS has a set of Forever Stamps called Art of the Skateboard and set vinyl skateboard stickers that match the stamp designs. This stamp series might have been better off served with a different title as the “Art Of the Skateboard” typically brings to mind the history of production graphics rather than brand new […]

CJ, Julia, and Kieffer

CJ Ramone hanging out with celebrities in 1990, wearing a Vision, Mark “Gator” Rogowski t-shirt while one still could… May 5, 1990, the Ramones played the Mad Monk in Wilmington/North Carolina. In the audience that night were actors Kiefer Sutherland and Julia Roberts, who both fell in love while filming “Flatliners” a few months prior. […]

Skateboard! #10

91 adverts from Skateboard! magazine #10 ( June 1978 ) brings the total vintage skateboarding magazine adverts in the gallery up to 801! Skateboard! was a UK publication and as such, features some distinctly British ads, companies and slang in addition to the the usual fare from the USA. Half the ads seem to brag […]

Skate – The International Skating Magazine – 1979

The Vintage Skatemag Advertisement gallery has been updated with 30 ads from a rare, east coast skateboarding magazine called Skate, The International Skateboarding Magazine. With that addition the total number of adverts in the galley has reached 704! Some notable additions include very early ads from Zorlac and Santa Monica Airlines, in addition to the […]