

Empty, anxiety, surprise, encouragement. All of these emotions can be found in these Eurosport station identity spots from 2011. You can watch just the skateboarding bit, but if you have a bit of time to kill you might enjoy some of the overly enthusiastic, awkward english voiceovers featured in the behind the scenes clip. It’s […]


Rolling Homes

Rolling Homes, prefab homes in Svencele, Lithuania that come with a front porch that unintentionally doubles as an a miniramp. [Source: Huffington Post] – Thanks to Ping for the tip.


French Vert Turtles

Station ID for France 3, one of France’s state owned television channels. It actually dates back to 2013, and so French readers, I’m disappointed in you for not letting me know earlier. – Thanks to Nick Dawson for the tortue de la planche à roulettes.


Hirschgarten, Munich

MC tipped me off to these photos of a skatepark in Hirschgarten. It’s got a weird stadium vibe too it, like something you’d see as the sport of future in a sci-fi movie. The park looks like it would be a lot of fun, but the most interesting architectural aspect is unfortunately, effectively skate stoppered. […]


Street Dome progress

Another shot of Grindline concrete work at Denmark’s “Street Dome.”


Smurfed from the source

Well, not exactly the source. Smurfs are from Belgium, but these came from the Netherlands, although, maybe they were made in Belgium, at least the ceramic mug was made in Europe. I can’t imagine a PVC Smurf figure for even a European McDonalds would be made anywhere other than China. I got these both as […]


Street Dome WTF??? (!!!)

Space Mountain? A dream? No, it’s real. (Pinch me.) This fantastic project is underway right now in Haderslev, Denmark. At first I thought it was just an outdoor skatepark tacked on to some sort of museum, but the dome will house more skateable terrain, ironically bowls, while the actual “street” sections are all outdoors. There […]

Peek Skateboards Indoor Skatepark in Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf Damage

Skateboarding4Life reports that the long running Peek Skateboards indoor skatepark in Düsseldorf, Germany is on the brink of being shut down because the land lord wants to use the space. It looks like a great space that has seen a lot of use. There is a web site (in German) set up to focus efforts […]


Paris Match

It’s like France central over here… These pictures from Skateparks de Paris are about two years old. Doesn’t look like they update that often… but hey, it looks beautiful. Here in America, we like to hide our skateparks away from any foot traffic, preferably adjacent to an empty baseball field on the outskirts of town. […]