Speed Wobble IPA from Key Brewing

Speed Wobble IPA is a collaboration between Bustin Boards and Key Brewing out of Dundalk, Maryland. The original post on the Bustin site mentions an April canning date, but the post itself has no date. The beer isn’t listed on Key Brewing web site. Those cans were found in a store this week, so you […]

That time Van Halen hung out with the Surf Punks.

These pics of David Lee Roth on a skateboard have been floating around the interwebs for more than a decade. I’ve never been able to track down the original source. Also, I don’t really care about Eddie so much, but there he is. The real reason for this post is that I just learned that […]

Share your knowledge

Quora advertises itself as a place to share knowledge and better understand the world. Ask a question and someone will try to answer. Do professional skateboarders use steroids? Maybe the Dynamic Dudes did. I imagine we’ll find out once the next Olympics kick in. UPDATE: Someone also wants to know if it’s harder to skateboard […]

Little Big Meat Skate

Surely you’ve seen the Little Big video from the still (above left) all over social media this week. I can’t really stomach the music, but I can appreciate the weirdness. Delving into their back catalog revealed a handful of bizarre amusing videos, including Hateful Love, one that features a meat skateboard. Bonus video for Punks […]

Data General MicroNOVA

This is a 1979 advertisement for the MicroNOVA MP/100 computer from Data General. This machine came with 32 kW of memory, and no, that’s not a typo. kW stands for Kilowords. How much memory is that? 2.44e-1 Bytes. Contemplate that while you read this post on your phone. It looks like they mounted the skateboard […]

Tony Hawk Pops

Tony Hawk is becoming a Funko Pop. Should be any day now… He also makes an appearance in the documentary Making Fun: The Story of Funko. You can find it on Netflix. Tony’s short but interesting part starts at the 1:08 mark. That’s hours and minutes. – Thanks to Boy at SkateMalaysia.com for the tip.

We’re back!

Holy @#$%!!! I almost gave up on this web site, but at long last, after almost a year (!) we’re back online. Losing almost 8000 posts and 40,000 comments was a shock at first, but after a the initial dismay it became sort of a blessing, like a weight lifted off my shoulders. About 7 […]

Morphed Morfboard 2.0

Well, it’s been a few years since the original Morfboard, and now the product has pivoted from a health and fitness based system with skateboarding as a small feature to a completely skateboard-centric approach. Gone is the geometric wakeboard-esque oval, as well as the elastic resistance straps and the links. It’s been replaced with a […]

Reader Mail?

I still get your reader mail. I don’t always understand it, but I get it. Maybe time to start updating the site again?