Jughead #28: A Mime Leading the Blind

It’s day 3 of 7 days of Jughead! This is Jughead Volume 2 #28 from December of 1991. The first thing you might notice is the corner box illustration which hints at radicalness as well as an announcement declaring the inside pages are made from recycled pages, which is a change from the recycled stories usually featured in Archie titles. This is actually kind of a crazy cover for this imprint, but it was the 90’s and you have to assume they were trying to stay hip.

The story title that features skateboarding is “A Mime Leading the Blind or Smell, Look & Listen” and it’s about the character “Big Ethyl” trying to make Jughead jealous by making him think that her “blind friend Jeffery” is interested in her, but it turns out Jughead has the headphones from his walkman on the whole time and doesn’t hear her. The whole thing is pretty heavy handed, as is the whole issue actually, going out if it’s way to clumsily introduce diversity. But hey, Archie comics have never been known for subtlety. Jughead does pull off a rad hand plant on a fire hydrant though.


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