Vintage Skate Stickers Gallery Back Online!
I revived the Vintage Skate Sticker Gallery, a feature that hasn’t been live on this site in almost 2 decades after we switched from static HTML to WordPress. Unfortunately, most of my old scans were similarly in 1999 resolutions so I had to rescan them. So far I’ve got 80 up there, with another 80 that have been scanned but not separated yet. In a strange turn of events, consumer scanner technology has changed to LED backlighting which doesnt play nice with neon stickers. They look like they’ve been in the sun for 2 decades. So I’ve got about 90 additional stickers to scan once I get my hands on a vintage scanner with CFL backlighting. While digging through old hard drives I found about 50 sticker scans from various contributors. On top of that, While cleaning my basement this weekend I found a CD-rom that someone mailed to me (when???) that has about 130 mostly high quality scans of stickers from the late 70’s and some “official dealer” stickers that are rare. so thats’ what… 350 more stickers to add! Until then, check it out.
Don’t believe me about LED scanners and neon colors? Compare below.

Who sent me this CD? First of all, thanks, and I’m sorry it’s taken… you know… 15 years to get to these… If you’re still alive (!) drop us a line and I’ve got some merch for you.