Your own, personal, Tony Hawk cameo.
You can now pay to have various levels of “celebrities” record personalized video messages for you. Amongst other personalities like Pee Wee Herman (!!), there are currently 52 skateboarders to chose from, some famous, some not-so-famous. The pay scale is sliding and serves as a barometer for how popular (or how bored) these personalities are. Bucky Lasek for only $15??? Even the Lizard King is up to $25. Guys like Jason Jesse are going for $25, while a puffy Bam Margera can be rented for $65. Was little surprised to see Richie Jackson on there at all, but I guess it’s a quick $50 for him that can come in handy at the local thrift store. Skate and Annoy really needs personalized video from Tony Hawk saying how much this site sucks. Now accepting donations…
Speaking of cameos, Skate and Annoy’s erstwhile comments section digression ’bout Ca Plane Pour Moi and it’s template, Jet Boy Jet Girl, failed to dig up THIS Eskimo Brothers (band-wise) incestuousness of a cameo… and the originator’s “reaction” shot (starting at 1:47): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgbtLJyLDu8
And speaking of digression, that video makes me wonder if “Elton” pulled a Wayne/Jayne County, and turned into Sandra Bernhard (or if Sandra just saw that video and borrowed his mugging). Bet none of y’all have ever seen them in the same room together….