Circa 2019
Well it’s that time of the decade again… What time is it, you ask? It’s time for another site redesign. The old one served pretty well for a long time, but wasn’t really mobile proof and was not very efficient on the server side. Blah blah blah…
Time for a stripped down version. It’s a work in progress, not all functionality is present, and there are bound to be some bugs. Features, Reviews, and Galleries are still on the old templates, but should be chaining over in the very near future. Working on this fairly massive, and mostly under the hood change has taken precedent over new posts, but it won’t be long before regular updates are thing again. The rest of the Skate and Annoy “network” is going to require a little tinkering before the old framework is abandoned, so bear with me.
So the changeover was less painful than I expected. All areas of the site are using the new theme, but there are still some behind-the-scenes changes to make everything run quicker and cleaner.
even if I am the only one who cares..