Pro Trainer
Another skate trainer to file in the category of probably helpful but extremely unnecessary unless you’re trying to get into the Olympics. Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Gentry’s Pro Trainer.
The Pro Trainer allows you to build confidence in your flip and catch techniques while at the same time add that extra steez in your style before you bring it back to a bolts landing. Creating muscle memory is what skateboarding is all about. The Pro Trainer is perfect for giving you that real deal sensation of what the board feels like coming back to your feet after the flip, the spin, or both. This machine is capable of doing lots of variations of tricks. It has a smooth bearing rotation on all axis points which allows the perfect smoothness while spinning and flipping your board. It’s proudly manufactured in the USA and built to last forever. Certified by the Pro Riders. Once a trainer… always a trainer! If your unable to skate physically due to injury, then have a seat on The Pro Trainer and continue to practice your tricks for hours while watching our Pro Entertrainment Video Rides through various skateparks. Reabilitate your injuries and aches while you relax and slow it down. If it’s rainin… your trainin!
Honestly, this should be a video game controller, but at $2,500, that’s probably not going to fly. However, I’m willing to trade my virtually NOS NordicTrack for one of these…
– Thanks to Foul Weather Pete for the tip.
I saw this the other day on skatemental’s instagram. My first impression was WTF?! but after reading into it a bit more, it’s a pretty cool concept. I had ACL surgery this fall and i wish I had one of these to scratch that itch to go skate.
bungee chords and patio furniture
Anybody interested in a street luge sleeping bag , skinny jeans lumberjack summer dress winter scarf . I see laundry hanging from that contraption.
Damn chris was ricca’s pussy that good?!?! Chris done lost his mind
This concept was patented years ago as The Trick Trainer but provided greater benefit as it allowed for natural pop and the traditional self learning process with a slight assistance from the handlebars. Also, a fraction of the price. Every bit of content on this product was taken from the Trick Trainer website such as rehabilitation and faster progression. Stick with the original, the one and only Trick Trainer.