Rodney Mullen from Sebring Revolution
There’s a giant cloud of pompousness eminating from Sebring Revolution, starting with the name of a company whose mission is to “revolutionize the way consumers see, study, purchase, and interact with art, products and media.” Sure… I guess it sounds better than “We make cool stuff.” However, they’ve put together some interesting footage and interactive widgets featuring Rodney Mullen. Be thankful that it looks like NIN video and it didn’t go another route with Dave Grohl and a really earnest interview about how revolutionary Rodney is. Why so bitter, Kilwag, are you jealous of Steven Sebring much? Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach write snarky blogs.
– Via Betsy Binckley Gordon on Facebook, who is probably un-friending me right now.
I won’t unfriend you but you really shouldn’t go all hateful on Steven. I know him and he is a good guy. Not pompous at all.He invented the whole system to not only take the images but to somehow weave them together into film. That’s pretty genius in my book. And he did the Rodney work for free, just because he loves how Rodney skates. So give him the benefit of the doubt, please?