Pif Gadget
Two more from Vintage Toy Advertiser. On the left, an ad from a 1977 issue of the French comic book Pif Gadget with a contest to win among other things, one of 300 rolling surfboards AKA “surfs a roulettes” AKA skateboards. On the right, a crazy skateboard shirt from a 1978 issue of Pif Gadget. It’s 1978 and there’s no skyhooks on that skateboard. How did they get that photograph of an unobstructed bottom view of a skateboarder seemingly getting air? Was he skating on a sheet of plexiglass? It’s clearly just a rolling shot, so where’s the harness and the wires?
A weird contest to win a bicycle, skateboard, or some sort of gardening guide and or a green patch? [Source: VintageToyAdvertiser]
Super Maillot de Skate! I wish the ad was big enough to see the white t-shirt as well. [Source: VintageToyAdvertiser]
my money is it being an angled view of a taildrop kinda pose…
That’s probably right. Still, I’d like to imagine there was an elaborate harness and wire setup.
Hi, I just added an enhanced pic of the white tee to the original post – it says “Skateboard” and is done in a stars and stripes design. I’m also working on a post this weekend with more Pif Gadget skateboard ads late 70s… Sancheski, Yabassi, JLM.
Thanks for the update! That white shirt look awesome. I’d totally reprint that if the original as clear enough to see well. I’ll try to remember to keep checking back, but drop me an email when you add more skateboard-related posts. editor@this web site
They’re up!!! Lots of obscure stuff, at least from a USA vantage point: Link