Windows Nokia Timeshift
When I first watched this video I thought was one of those acid tracer scenes where the same sequence is repeated with a start time a few frames later, over and over again, but it’s actually multiple sequences composited together. It’s pretty impressive, and it ought to be considering the spent over 480 man hours on the editing alone, not to mention shooting the original sequences. It’s pretty flawless except for the 47 second mark where a skateboarder (Cory Juneau) appears out of thin air without dropping into the bowl. The behind the scenes video is pretty interesting too, despite the severe levelness of the director’s voiceover. He’s so stiff and awkward, especially when trying to sell the Nokia Lumia 930. It’s almost comical, considering Windows Phone’s faltering performance in the market. True story: I was at a BBQ the summer with a bunch of Microsoft employees. As an Apple fanboy it was interesting to hear the shop talk. When they started talking about the phone platform it was as if someone let all the air out of the conversation. Guys who can basically get Windows phones for free were giving up on them, with no foreseeable relief in the future. Which is why I find the delivery and tone of the behind the scenes video so amusing. Look at what we made with this great thing that we’re not even very excited about.
– Thanks to MC for the tip.
Skateboarding is neat!
Interesting video idea for sure but the end result just seems creepy to me. This type of stuff would be great for a sci-fi movie where aliens team up with the government to clone everyone with each clone getting only a proportional fraction of the original person