Hanna Barbera: A Huckleberry of Magillas
I was trying to track down a better picture of some Hanna Barbera saftey cards from 1965 because one of them has the hapless Magilla Gorilla pulling a classic wilson. In the process I found Magilla skating in an uncredited image that looks like a still from a cartoon. Casting the net wider turned up a coloring book with Huckleberry Hound and Quickdraw McGraw doubling up on a longboard.
Gasoline Alley will sell you this coloring book for an unbelievable $40. Turns out there is some skateboard paraphernalia that even I won’t buy.
Here’s Magilla on a skateboard as seen on Pinterest. No idea which episode of Magilla this comes from. Hanna Barbera cartoons were never my favorites. I don’t think I could stomach watching a bunch of Magilla Gorilla episodes to try and find it. Looks to be more 70’s era animation, but that’s an uneducated guess.
Here’s #13 of a series of safety signs made by Hanna Barbera, originally intended to bum children out in school. This scan comes from Patrick Owsley’s cartoon art site.
This photo of the sign is skewed but shows the coloration better.
While not strictly skateboard related, Sasquatch Surf Shop says this comic book cover of Magilla riding surfboard inspired an animated short. Scott Starr probably knows whether or not this is true.
Magill gorilla boardslides like he has banana peels for rails.
I have the original playing card
Which card are you talking about?