Super Golden Crisp
It’s Sugar Bear from Super Golden Crisp, originally called Super Sugar Crisp. Some time in the 80’s Post decided that a cereal with the word “sugar” in the name wasn’t a good idea. Sugar Crisp commercials would often include an brief environmental message on the storyline in the 70’s during the first wave of popular ecology awareness. All that before invariably giving someone a “super vitamin punch.” Maybe that’s why I was anemic as a child, not enough Super Sugar Crisp. This cereal box with a skateboard themed picture hunt game dates to 1992. For “extra fun” you can try timing the game. Whee!
– Thanks to BPA for the tip.
Non-vertical halp pipe complete with crazy fall-away platforms!
As a kid, I could take or leave the cereal, but I always enjoyed Sugar Bear’s 50’s era hipster voice that sounds a lot like Bing Crosby. Here’s a couple vintage TV commercials to watch.
Sugar Bear surfing, thanks to Scott Starr.
I love the proportions on cartoon half-pipes drawn by non-skaters.