A Thousand Ways to Say No!
I have a half-assed collection of (photos of) “No Skateboarding” signs that I have been accumulating over the years, but I haven’t doe anything with them yet. I accidentally stumbled on MySecuritySigns.com which has a surprisingly wide variety of ways in which you can say no. They also sell signs for skateparks as well, with helmet rules, skate at your own risk, etc… But the adversarial choices are much broader. There’s even a helpful little section on liability. You need more signs.
Here are few of my favorites. First off, there’s this guy….
A rare drawing of a scooter guy included. That’s a lot of stuff they don’t want you to do.
The loitering illustration cracks me up. I’m imagining a group of kids in a small group, all packed up against each other fo no apparent reason.
It’s a good thing the text is here to make it clear, otherwise I’d read this as “No Flailing” or “No Sky Hooks.”
Here’s a sophisticated, fancy way to say it, because you wouldn’t want to come off as boorish at the country club.
The security camera actually looks cool. I’m going to make a t-shirt of this.
This one cracks me up. I would love to see on wall outside, exactly as is.
I know this is meant to be in the grass adjacent to the area that you aren’t supposed to skateboard on, but the illustration just makes it seem like they don’t want you skating on the grass.
Now this is a good one. I’m not sure that I would heed it if I saw it somewhere, but it would at least make me pause and appreciate the property owner’s sense of humor before I ignored it. It reminds me of this sign spotted outside a church.
Here’s pretty much the whole collection. No, No, NO!
Haha, you just love your church sign, don’t you?
Haha I like that last one…”just not here”
I guess it makes me an asshole to want copious amounts of no scooter stickers to put everywhere? Didn’t Dennis Leary have a song about that…?
One of my favorite SGC2C moments…
Zorac: Dennis Leary. I’ve seen all your movies.
Dennis Leary: Thank you.
Zorac: I didn’t think they were very good. What did you think?
are there any fuck off signs we could buy to replace them with haha.