RE-Born Ugly
I was a big fan of Born Ugly zine out of Richmond Va, and their seemingly herculean efforts to produce a well made, entertaining and most importantly, highly original skate zine based on what I assumed was an amazing, vibrant scene based only on copies of Born Ugly. Well, all herculean things must come to an end, and so it was with Born Ugly. I noticed it had been a while since I’d seen a new issue, so I went to the web site to check it out, and the domain name had lapsed. Actually, what probably happened is that someone was looking for the C.R.E.T.E. graphic and S&A came up in a web search. I got a couple emails from different people asking if I still had the graphic because the web site was down. I figured it was just a temporary thing, but I guess not. In case you’re interested, I still have that graphic if you want to print your own shirt for a DIY fundraiser. A couple weeks ago I got an email from Mickael Broth, half the team that brought you Born Ugly. He was looking for an outlet to continue a column he used to do called “Fucked Up Friday Night (A Beer Review).” What can I say? I’m a huge fan of Born Ugly, I couldn’t possibly resist. CHECK IT OUT.
UPDATE: It would help if I actually published the review! Way to go Otto, way to get fired from your job in a big way…. This time for real… CHECK IT OUT (Sorry Mickael)
Genesseee is the best 99 pennies u will spend for a 24 oz