
Dashing Daisy

Sure, the last post was about something manly and useful – making your own concrete coping. Now I’ve decided that it’s “Doll a Day” week. This is Dashing Daisy, a Barbie clone made in the 70’s and sold in the UK. It’s actually “sort of” interesting in that she was allegedly designed by a mod fashion designer Mary Quant who was a bit of a celebrity in the UK fashion world at the time. Even so, they look like junk. I guess the Dashing Daisy variant had more movement than the standard Dull Daisy. The skateboard version came in at least 2 colors that I’ve found, and seems to go for about $75 U.S. despite the lack of perceived quality. Daisy Doll Skidoo 65705 is dated at 1977. WTF is a skidoo?



3 thoughts on “Dashing Daisy

  1. Not sure I understand what you mean by lack of quality? This doll was manufactured in Hong Kong as were most dolls at the time. If you took more time to research you would know that Mary Quant and her husband Alexander Plunkett Greene together with Torquil Norman (A pioneer in developing new dolls and owner of Model/Flair Toys) actually set a higher quality standard than many other toy/doll manufactures at the time (1973-1979)Did Barbie have a skateboard? No!, because Mattel showed a complete lack in keeping up with the latest trends and making nearly everything in bubblegum pink and girlie. WTF? I presume this means ‘what the fuck’does Skidoo mean -it refers to the English term skidding it is a play on words ‘ “doing a skid” Hope this educates you in some way.
    Kindest regards

    1. “Lack of perceived quality” – They look like cheap knockoffs.

      I did my research, I was aware of the designer’s ties to the fashion industry. Barbie did have a skateboard, Ken did too. Skipper had one… and so did another cheap toy doll, Farrah Fawcett. I can’t believe you want to argue about dolls.

  2. francisco on July 23, 2014 - Reply

    “They’re not dolls! They’re action-figures!”

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