Just Move! Stampgate
I saw these and tried to find some to add to my collection of skateboard related future landfill but they weren’t even available at usps.com. Then I discoveredthe reason why, they were recalled! An entire run of stamps for the U.S. Post Office is going to be destroyed because the designs promote unsafe behavior in kids! The Just Move! series features skateboarders without hemlmet and pads, an at bat baseball player without a helmet, soccer player without shin guards, and other assorted so-called unsafe behavior. Won’t someone please think of the children?!! Yes, please think of the children who will inherit a government whose postal system can’t stop losing money. Unbelievably, these concerns were raised by the President’s Council on Fitness. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
[Source: Postal Mag]– Via Tim Jamison on Facebook.
The list of safety concerns raised (cannonball dive?!!!) make me want to run with scissors.
Too bad. The stamps says “play” – not “compete”. It is obviously meant for leisure & games, not sports & competition.
they don’t even have faces, why would they need helmets?
Replying on a stamp with more stamps? What is this, battle of the mods?
The only stamp I ever bought to collect and I want to keep it like this!
The skater does have a helmet, and jazz hands .., and fried eggs as wheels.
The strikethrough ‘forever’ probably is an indication that you will not live forever but, in fact, DIE! from practizing these dangerous activities like: juggling while tearing your knee ligaments, playing basketball in the street while trying to stop a car, stand on one hand drunk, returning a snowball with a bat, balancing on top of a deadly cliff, trying to stop a cab upsidedown, cannonballing face forward (‘you’re doing it wrong!’) or harassing little girls in playgrounds.
You know what they say, recalled stamps raise in value.
Ban all of these activities next! Only play on computers & eat donuts!