Bread Dude
This is Hawaiian Grill’s “Bread Dude.” Bread Dude? Seriously? OK. Wait, really? Bread Dude grill buns. I’m trying to imagine whose blood had more illicit chemicals in it, the person who came up with the idea, or the person who green lit it.
– Thanks to John Aguilar for the photo.
Green lit? Green lit??? Every ONE is green lit in Hawaii, but no THING gets “green lit”… even by haoles.
In Oregon, however….
Somebody’s trying to get in on Dave’s Killer bandwagon.
Quit loafin’ brah, Surf’s up! Eat me. \III/
Three J’s Distributing!
Three J’s pay their employees an abysmally low wage. I like Dave’s Products, but fuck his distribution Company. $13 an hour for driving a semi? That’s a great way to attract the worst kind of drivers, and it’s indicative of the feel-good sham Dave’s is foisting on us all.