Real skate harassment
I have absolutely no context for this video, but that shouldn’t stop us from making wild speculations. Anybody want to watch a video of a kid with a skatebaord being hit by a cop car?
– Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on August 2nd, 2013
Categories: Annoy, Skate Harassment
Tags: police
I have absolutely no context for this video, but that shouldn’t stop us from making wild speculations. Anybody want to watch a video of a kid with a skatebaord being hit by a cop car?
– Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip
That’s a relief, not a sociopath with a badge. But rather a one that can’t drive for shit.
Here is the whole clip:
dude filming is a jack @$$.
Yep, dude’s “that guy” who led to there being very few skateparks for a decade or more… and even to some backyards going out of existence. Glad his friend’s got some sort of sense that cutting slack about what happens in public tends to get reciprocated… and that skating is worth more than boo-boo money.
now thats funny……..take that youz fuckin’ rail rider, ollie tweaker, curb grinder, ledge lop, stair jumper, ass humper!!!!!!