
Just an old guy skateboarding

KOMO News has recurring feature called Eric’s Heroes, and this one is about Bellevue, Washington police officer Craig Hanauma. Craig plays the trombone, teaches jujitsu, and skateboards with the kids. It’s community outreach, but I’m pretty sure he not-so-secretly enjoys it. The pics above are stills from the KOMO video, except the bottom right, which […]


Style Police

A skateboarding cop from Green Bay, Wisconsin who bought a board that was hand manufactured in Portland, Oregon by Subsonic Skateboards. Allegedly the board helps him connect with the community. Sure, OK, but the red and blue flashing LED lights he added are pretty silly on a skateboard, considering he’s supposed to be a man […]


Real skate harassment

I have absolutely no context for this video, but that shouldn’t stop us from making wild speculations. Anybody want to watch a video of a kid with a skatebaord being hit by a cop car? – Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip