Skip some ispum with Skate Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is nonsense text that looks vaguely latin. It’s used by designers and publishers to fill in some content in order to flush out a design or layout. Whenever I need it for web design, I’ve always used an online generator at Lipsum.com. That was before I found Skate Ipsum, which unlike traditional Lorem ipsum, it uses real words from a tome of common skateboaring terms, enabling such excellent paragraphs as:
Santa Monica Airlines kickturn nose slide lip sponsored nosepicker casper slide. Body varial Burnside durometer masonite steps slappy locals. Crail grab hurricane helipop hard flip backside blunt. Coper fastplant heel flip boned out nose-bump transition. Cab flip transition hurricane judo air goofy footed ollie. Skate or die skater birdie nollie frigid air shoveit. Hospital flip kick-nose H-Street pivot pump flypaper frontside. Crailtap regular footed Arto Saari yeah camel back bail flail. Freestyle crail slide street vert boneless manual. Kevin Jarvis freestyle lien air durometer manual soul skate speed wobbles. Baseplate betty ollie slam fakie opposite footed.
There are all kinds of Lorem Ipsum generators, a close second favorite of mine is the Samuel L. Jackson inspired SLipsum, which deviates even more from the standard by using actual quotes from Mr. Jackson’s more memorable movie appearances. It’s not really the content, but more the manner in which you choose your options that makes it entertaining. I hear him in my head every time I read it. Check out all the Lorem Ipsum flavors at Meet the Ipsums. In the meantime, I think I’m going to see if I can use Skate Ipsum to generate a week’s worth of posts. They’ve got an API for Hosoi’s sake!
[Clipart source: Russ Howell (Yes, the Russ Howell)]
nice find!
This may be one of the single-most epically great posts ever. I have forwarded this to all of my graphic designer friends.
This makes me very stoked to have made that. Thanks for the kind words!