When children have children
Apparently, the longboard stroller, although not actually in production yet, is also not meant to be a joke. In some shots you can see what might be a braking device or two, possibly a sponge. Test dummies are a nice touch. This is a joke. Is this a joke? Quinny is a real company.
UPDATE: Added another video.
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.
Regarding the setup: electriflys, topmount, maybe an inch riser. About a six inch ride height, and wheelbite is going to happen. GLWT. I had more to say, but that kinda sums it up.
im waiting for a pool board with one of these attachments, lol!!!
I suppose if you have a stupid kid ,a little head trauma won’t hurt him none.
I’d skate holding my child before using this…
OMG that’s a dutch product.
That stroller should come with a roll cage…
I’d put roll bars on either side of the kid. They should also make it so it stops by itself after the hipster dad spills his Starbucks and falls off.
For real though, I wouldn’t hesitate to ride my kids in that if they were still small. If you skate it’s not like you wouldn’t be able to control is just as well as a stroller. Might feel like a giant dork, but whatever.
post birth abortion
WRONG! Try genetically engineered airbag.
Jesus titty fucking Christ.
Get over it! Who cares? I see active parents, kids getting some fresh air, and maybe learning what it means to carve around, and most importantly, NOBODY IS GETTING HURT.
Man, skateboarders really suck sometimes–so fucking narrow-minded!
Quit embarrassing me, and yourselves.
Fuck that. Spend time with your kid by walking the stroller. On the upside, they can respect you in 10 years when they’re NOT looking at some photo of some dipshit with a longboard attached to their stroller.
Kids respect their parents for spending time with them.
They’re never going to care about silly shit like hating longboarders unless you teach them to.
I think this would receive the same amount of ire, regardless of board length. It is the manufacturer who named it “longboard stroller” instead of “skateboard stroller.”
Regardless of name, skatejocks would cut on it. Who fucking cares what a parent does, especially if their actions introduce a kid to the sights and sounds of cruising around on a skateboard?
Seriously, children who are still stroller-bound can hardly pick up some Vans, a Lifeblood, some Aces, and a set of Jivaros and make the scene.
What the fuck happened to skateboarding? So many rules. Such inability to embrace any type of new thinking! Remember, without somebody deciding to think for themselves and chop a roller-skate in half, we’d have nothing to create out self-importance around.
But see, it really isn’t important, self or otherwise, to do the strand… cuz, like, babies don’t care about cool. Take ’em for a stroll in nature… being subjected to our self-important fetishes ain’t high on their list of priorities.
Yes Randy, regardless of length…still stupid. For the rest of you, seriously? It’s a baby stroller attached to a skateboard. It’s not some corny enhancement to a regular skateboard, like those rubber jump strap things, magnets, or hipsters.
This makes more sense to me than the skateboard stroller
I’m with Egbert and Phil on this one. This thing is silly and selfish and dumb. Put aside your need to soul-surf or skate or whatever you wanna call it and just push that stroller using your feet. “But, honey, skating is in my blooooooood.” Pfft. Go skate after you spend time with your offspring. To get another opinion I asked my chick (who doesn’t skate and likes kids) what she thought of this contraption. “She said “That’s stupid.” I asked why. “Because it’s a longboard stroller, that’s stupid.” I agree.
Whut? No stroller up front on the rototiller?
ADD has kicked in, and I am now enraptured by rototiller racing. Where the hell did you find that gem?! Awesome!!!
That was rad. Huh huh.
i used to skate behind my kid’s jogger all the time, they totally dug bombing hills, the dirty looks from people were the best
I’ve done that, too. You sound like a good parent–one who involves his kids in what he’s doing. That’s what that stroller looks to be about…
I can’t wait for the Maryhill Father and Son downhill race on those things.
…giving each other a push forward, like in shorttrack iceskating.
Wait, that’s not what you meant, hehe.
I’m willing to bet the majority of parents who buy this have no skills or experience on a skateboard let alone a longboard. “OoOoO, Aspen and Carol down the street just got one! Let’s get one, too!!! Do they make roof racks for these so I can strap it to my Hummer?”
I may be wrong, though.
Vanagon, bro. Aspen and Carol drive a Vanagon.
I have been longboarding for over 10 years, I have 3 year old son and we skateboard together. I hope when my newborn arrives in 6 months I am able to take him around the longboard stroller with his brother… so let’s bet…
Bozo Texino is proved right. Here’s why the longboard stroller is a good thing. There’s way too many stupid social codes in skateboarding.
I think it’s less about social codes or what’s cool and more about what is and isn’t a dumb idea as far as safety for an infant.
It doesn’t look any more dangerous than the numerous bicycle-related infant-toting apparatus in use these days.
Yeah it’s not like the kid is going to go over the handlebars and faceplant like on a bike that hits a curb. And if dad gets knocked off the board by a shaggy dog, hey, that’s what car’s brakes are for…. I don’t even have a problem with somebody skating around a bowl with their child in their arms, because you can bet they feel 100% responsible. But this is a little like electric fishing reels for deep water… it IS hands-off lameness.
I think people don’t see that the parent is grabbing on to the stroller with both hands, which means breaking is just a matter of putting your feet on the ground. I have skateboarded and pushed my kid’s stroller at the same time in many instances, and I have found it to be EASIER as it provides a lot more stability. If you want to stop all you have to do is put my feet on the ground.
I’d think even the sponge Kilwag mentions might be more effective.
i seen an 8 month pregnant chick skating once….
anything for the a shot in the mag right?
This thing was made for Portlandia.
Longboarders are having more babies than skateboarders. Be concerned.
Make a surfboard version. That would be killer.
it’s a scooter for people with poor balance.
Where can I get one of these skateboard stroller? It says they won’t ship to U.S. …..but I really want one