Longboarding and Aromatherapy
I know the editor/publisher Michael Brooke, and we’ve had this discussion here on S&A about the editorial content of Concrete Wave before they switched to an unabashed longboard/downhill format, so we don’t need to rehash all that again. However, when I saw this article I immediately went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, just so I could do a spit-take! Honestly though, this is the sort of article I would have expected from Skateboarder Magazine in the mid 70’s. To be fair, this was in an issue with a cover story on longboarding as therapy. Apparently there is an operation that uses longboarding in family therapy. OK commentators – I challenge you to try some gentle ribbing instead of a reactionary meathead approach.
*palm to face*
concrete wave is owned by tail tap/buddy carr, in the event u tried to buy something off them they charge ur account and give u nothing, only to urge u to buy more (in this case it as a jefff tatum long board, and crooks 20″ rails) i had to call tail tap and got a woman w/ an accent that was borderline useless…so this is just par for the course w/ concrete wave ilk, an admitted log board directory
christian Dior “farenheight” scent gives me a rabid pitbull reaction…
Does huffing your pads count?
Now ,when we say longboarding I assume we are talking about downhill . I could see the correlation between downhill and long term relationships family therapy ,marriage counciling .
It boils down to this ,its always better to ride it out if it is skating that you love . The smelly candle thing ,your on your own .
My collar bone has a restraining order on my skateboard.
Never take a last run and have fun .
I keep some fabreeze in my car to spray my pads with. Should I write an article for the site?
I saw this great t-shirt at the Van’s Pool party contest a couple of weeks ago: “Don’t Be a Racist- Skate Everything”
During that same weekend, I had a nice lunchtime chat with Michael Brooke. He’s spending a lot of his time and money on a global peace initiative called Longboarding For Peace.I suppose my point is that anything that gets more people skating is good. Whether you like it or not, whether you think it is hardcore or not, it’s all good.
Wars, drones, global warming, economic turmoil, rioting… and now THIS! Nobody ever listens to Nostradamus! You’re ruining it CW! A thousand kids just hung up and want straight to flat. Why, why, whyyyyyyy!!?? Does it make you happy CW?! Now I have to leave Slayer on autorepeat for a month to help bring the universe back into balance. If my marriage suffers because of this, it’s on you. Hope you are happy with yourselves!
Isn’t this sort of a *girl on horse jumping over rocks photo* moment for CW?
Is that an “Action Now” reference?
It’s pronounced WRONGboarding.
It’s tough to make a living through skateboarding. Tougher to make a living at it and not look like you’re cashing in. Punk rock and rad are premised on poverty or the appearance of it. I only read skate blogs put out by the destitute.
Hehe pads