Annette’s Got the Hits!
If you don’t like Annette Funicello you’re some kind of a dick. It’s like not liking puppies or ice cream. She was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse kid AND she made a movie (Back to the Beach) with Pee Wee Herman. I thought both Surf Punks were in that too, but only Drew Steele shows up on IMDB. Annettes’s Got the Hits is pretty much my favorite Red Kross/ Red Cross song. Annette Sings Golden Surfin’ Hits will set you back $260 if you want it still sealed in the original shrink-wrap. Ironically, an unopened soundtrack to Back to the Beach starts at $383! (?) I didn’t know Annette had a record with a skateboard on the cover until I saw Doc Skaterock post it on Facebook. (Instead of here for some reason. He must be hanging out with Jim Gray…) I must have missed it in his book.
R.I.P. Annette.
Annette’s Got the Hits! from the 1979 ep.
And more recently – live
Annette sings Sidewalk Surfin at the 12:10 mark. Yes, this is the whole album. Yes, it’s mostly pretty bad. The speed varies quite a bit on bits of it, nearly chipmunk-esque.
chick was cool Daddy -O!
“Back to the Beach” soundtrack… Pee Wee Herman sings “Surfin’ Bird.” I should know, I owned it.
Annette was a way cool lady! When I was a kid she would worked the snack stand at my little league field. Always had a smile on her face and I will remember her for being part of my youth.
My mom worked with Annete. Always heard good things about her. She was my first T.V. crush as a kid. RIP Pineapple Princess.