
Rodman to visit North Korean skatepark

I could make this stuff up, but apparently I don’t have to. The Associated Press reports that Dennis Rodman arrived in North Korea to promote good will between North Korea and the western world. Kim Jong Un allegedly want’s to start a bromance with Dennis, being a big fan of his during his stint at Chicago. He’s traveling with a VICE magazine crew and filming for their HBO news series. Again, I don’t have to make this stuff up. One of the planned stops on the tour is the new skatepark facility we highlighted back in November. I’m with Kim Jong Un on this one. Rodman kicked ass during his stint with the Bulls. Media nonsense, professional wrestling, formerly hot girlfriends, bad acting and personal problems aside, he was a great player. He’s got 5 championship rings. Suck it Kobe.

[Source: NPR] – Thanks to Shawn Fendick for the tip.


8 thoughts on “Rodman to visit North Korean skatepark

  1. I always try to remember him as the rebound king… not as the guy in the wedding dress…

  2. Will Rodman be inspecting their Nukes as well?

  3. Kim Jong-il's Ghost on February 26, 2013 - Reply

    Sure Kim Jung-un has conducted his third nuclear test and built the best skatepark on the planet but if my Supreme love child does not kidknap and stuff Denis “the Worm” Rodman and put him next to my signed Michael Jordan basketball I will rise from my glass coffin, shoot another round of golf 38 below par, and smak his chubby little ass.

  4. I wonder if he’ll visit the camp this guy escaped from….

  5. I would go but would have to bring a suitcase full of food.

    1. But the whole world is envious of their chimchee.

  6. Kim Jong Un invented the kickflip.

  7. Prickly Pete on February 27, 2013 - Reply

    I love Wes Anderson’s stuff! A buddy of mine saw the trailer for this. Apparently Dennis Rodman is a special envoy sent to North Korea to negotiate the release of the Godoys who were jailed for attempting to disarm the emerging nuclear threat.

    While he’s there, Rodman wins their freedom and in doing so, captures the heart of a nation and its man-boy ruler. It culminates in a crazy spontaneous k pop inspired skateboard parade through the streets of Pyongyang. Kim Jong-Un is so moved that he feeds his people. Then it’s back to the royal palace for some hoops with Dennis who distracts Kim Jong-Un by letting him win. Rodman’s all, “Wow, you’re really schooling me, Kim! Uhhh, let’s keep playing.”

    Meanwhile the Godoys are dismantling the North Korean nuclear program under the guise of “going to oil their trucks.”

    They say their goodbyes, blast off back to America and are greeted at the Whitehouse by Barack and Michelle Obama. When they get there Obama’s like, “Now those are some sleeves!”

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