Gonz and Snoop.
I mean, I think that’s Mark Gonzales, but you can’t really see him. Something to do with Adidas.
– Thanks to Egbert for the tip.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on November 28th, 2012
Categories: Annoy, Celebrities, Commercials, Media Watch
Tags: Mark Gonzales
I mean, I think that’s Mark Gonzales, but you can’t really see him. Something to do with Adidas.
– Thanks to Egbert for the tip.
could gonz be surrounded by more ‘yes men’ laughing at his every prat fall? he should just get a job on a cbs sitcom as the ‘pesky room mate’
snoop only prays to haily salassi or what evr his name is,,after hes cashed in millions upon millions on Christmas specials over the last 20 years. bullshit artist. and i dont blame gonz for making every dime he can. although he is way above this shit.
quienes snoop perito perro?
btw ,,that was the stupidist most pointless most un-understandable bullshit fuck commercial ive ever seen.
whos fault is it? w/ people jocking gonz so hard more than ever gonz cant honestly see the forrest thru the trees
This is so wack.
That is the worst commercial I’ve ever seen.
fuck heros.
septik kilt is a great name
Am I the only one that enjoyed the commercial? Why so serious folks?
I think it’s because Gonz has the whole artist/non-conformist thing going for himself, and this slapstick crap just doesn’t work with who we all believe he is?
This is great! just because he appeared in the commercial he’s a conformist? i guess that makes everyone who skates for a living lame. Gonz can do anything and its great! ALL HAIL GONZ
…whereas Snoop is an amazingly large idiot, and shouldn’t do anything. And by association, Gonz is cheapened.
My two cents, anyway. Think what you like. I dislike most commercials.
Whatever that was fucking hilarious. Gonzales is a legend. So is snoop.