Counterfeit Counterculture Cornucopia
In honor of Thanksgiving, here’s a cornucopia of counterfeit skateboards. There’s the Roger/Roskopp on the left, a Vallely ripoff that says “sports,” and tying in nicely, another World Industries knockoff, a generic Flameboy. The two on the left are from the same company, Rolls Racer. The funny thing about the Flameboy knockoff is that it’s a mid to late 90’s era (or later) graphic on a bad 80’s style board. The Flameboy was spotted in Peru of all places. (Thanks to Seth) The fake Vallely hails from the land of Ebay, and the Roskopp is from a French auction site. (Thanks to David Maes)
This “Sports” board sold for a whopping $29, which is really a steal considering it’s entertainment value.
The Roskopp/Roger board came with a nice (?) tote bag. Pretty upscale for a knockoff. Only 5 Euros as of this writing.
Flameboy. Not much I can say about this. It’s only here because the other two are.
The model holding the WI board is Lizzie Armanto, number one ranked female in bowl and vert.
I don’t know what it is, but I have a strange fascination with cheap knockoffs. If I didn’t already own so many boards I’d get one.
A friend of mine has an McGill skull and snakes knockoff with the same cheap 80s toystore quality…
I have about 9 of these knock offs in my collection I can send you a pic if you want,,,
Randy, I have a boatload of pics of these I’ve been collecting over the years. I thought I’d do a baywatch special, but it might be better like this. I will send them along. Some are totally classic like the Jess Kendall!
Neil which ones do you have I would luv to check them out sometime if you have pics..
I had that Vallely knockoff! I bought it for the novelty value of it back in like 1990 or whatever. That was the first time I’d ever seen such a blatant theft of a popular graphic. The thing I remember most about that board is ollieing on it once and the trucks literally shattering like they were made of glass. Hilarious.
I did the same, those trucks are horrible!
H how the tables have turned on world industries mwahahahah
Mmmmmm Lizzie sexy