Who’s tripping down the streets of the city?
Who’s tripping down the streets of the city
Smiling at everybody she sees
Who’s reaching out to capture a moment
Everyone knows it’s Windy
Damnit! I thought it was Wendy. Vintage Knitting Pattern Child’s Skateboard Motif Sweater, from the UK.
Soooo lovely .
Windy as an English summer don’t forget your knitted jumper and green Kryptonics.
Vision knit wear ? , classic.
Dope backwards helmet!….here kid, hold this plank with wheels nailed to it for a photo….try not to make it look like you’re holding a dead puppy please….
damn, it IS backwards. Jeez.
I forgot to to credit Matthjis.
Rad how the colors match the pads.
Poor Wendy.
i would punch a nun for that sweater.
i would like the G&S fibreflex with ACS or Bennetts, and green Kryptos. Thats a mortgage payment…..
I had those Hobie pads!
and that’s a Norcon helmet.
what no gloves?
Mongoloid, she was a mongoloid
Happier than you and me
Mongoloid she was a mongoloid
i had that NorCon too! same color with a Biniak sticker on the front.
so rad the helmet is on backwards, it is the final touch needed to make this one pure gold.