Does Brad know?
The Guinness Book of World Records recently uploaded old footage from a 1996 record for the longest handstand. It’s pretty boring video except for the strangely riveting footage of the rollerblader on the support team, practically caressing the guy as he rolls down the road. So the longest handstand? I don’t know. It needs an asterisk. It should be “Longest Handstand with Gravity Assist.” I mean, common, we’ve got standards to uphold. Waiting to hear from the Handstand Man on this one.
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip
He should also get the record for”greatest handstand shorts ever”.
Him falling onto his rolling board at the end is the raddest part about it.
It is difficult to react to this video without using adjectives that would be offensive to certain groups of people based on their mental cognition or alternative lifestyles.
Quote “It is difficult to react to this video without using adjectives that would be offensive to certain groups of people based on their mental cognition or alternative lifestyles.”
I think
That was shit
Conveys your sentament with out offending any monority groupings
Hi Guys!
Yes I know about this guy. He’s pretty good but looks to me like he got a push (an assist) watch the vid very carefully at the end.
there is a much much better guy called speed racer out of Mt Hood Oregon. claims he has done 2 miles.
I am very confident I can do at least one mile. I have already done the official application with Guiness, I need somebody to help me document it (skateboarders who can video and skate fast). I am willing to pay somebody at least $20 per hour to help me document it, but it might be in AZ or CA as I cannot risk it in the rain.