Won’t someone please think of the CHILDREN!
I would like to apologize to the posts that appear above and below this one.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on September 20th, 2012
Categories: Annoy, Celebrities, Media Watch
Tags: Crime, Shaun White
I would like to apologize to the posts that appear above and below this one.
That bitch looks tough. Like how did he get so tough looking. I think he also stole my car stereo.
Shaun White, the Canned Tomato
nashville hicks dont play, and he is tough he face plants 25 ft airs on icey halfpipes
How many times have we seen money, fame, and massive stardom cause a bender or two? I’m glad he’s still got it in him! I have a new respect for him. I thought his handlers would never allow such behavior.
yes! his handlers amply supply him w/ weed and beer!
That wouldn’t surprise me, either. That dude inhabits a reality none of us understand. Regardless of his stardom, status, sponsors etc, he sure rides boards pretty damn well.
looks like a chic dude.
It’s like he was acting out his spoof on himself in the movie Friends With benefits.
that is funny… I thought it was a photo of Apollo Anton Ohno