Legoland Extreme Zone Shop
A few pics from the Extreme Zone Shop in Legoland Florida. I think it’s less than a year old, and it shows a little. I don’t think it would be worth the cash if it was even moderately busy. For instance the “Factory” exhibit is the shoddiest fake animatronic display that looks like it was designed in one weekend to be temporarily set up in a mall. The park is geared towards little kids though, and mine had a blast. The Extreme Zone shop was just like any shop at the mall or airport. They didn’t give me any grief for moving a few displays out of the way to get the mini ramp in frame.
The mini ramp, chain link fence and all.
Classic Wilson!
These must be Indy 415’s
That is one expensive place to visit, I think if I had a concept of money as a kid I would have rather my Dad bought me Lego Mindstorm/NXT than 3 tickets to Lego Land, FL. Would have been close to the same price but would have had hundreds of hours of time invested in building robots instead of coveting millions of plastic bricks empty handed.
Yeah, no doubt. grandma foot the bill though. Funny, I brought my oldest over to the Mindstorm kit in the store (at Legoland) and told him when he was older we would build robots and program them.
I live in France …
I am very interested by the skater Lego for my son who is passionate about Lego and skate.
is would it be possible to have additional photos concerant blue Lego holding his skate.
Is that all you have to chance a manual for this model or to which I can direct me for additional information.
I leave you my email, can answer me please: christophe1489@hotmail.com
thank you in advance