
9 thoughts on “Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards

  1. …and moves on the ground without walking, and through the air without without wings; as often as it can.

  2. The beast with two backs. (I never quite figured whether that was supposed to be doggy style or lotus position, in Othello… but I’m pretty sure it’s not the actual answer here.) (Or maybe said beast was just Shakespeare’s allusion to catamaran skating?)

  3. It’s Man. First crawls on all fours, then walks on two feet, and finally walks with a cane making it three. If you answered that right, your prize is that you get to unknowingly marry your mom, become a king, have four kids, then; when you find out what you did; gouge your eyes out and be a wandering blind beggar for the rest of your life. P.S. you also unknowingly killed your dad in self defense. Moral of the story: The Gods are dicks?

    1. They were pissed that he killed their kitty cat.

      1. Yeah yeah, but y’all are dodging MY (implied) question… when Shakespeare had me (or whoever of the cast it was) say that Othello and Desdemona were making the beast with two backs, which position do you suppose he/I meant?

        1. I believe it just implies face to face, contortions aside.

          1. Iago on March 14, 2012 -

            But because all the legs are together and the torsos seperate, seems like doggy style could just as easily have been what he meant. And, I suppose he could have been striving to evoke an amorphous beast (re positions: da bofe of em).

        2. I think you got it right bro. I’ve never read Othello but check out this quote Google coughed up:

          “In the vigour of his age he married Gargamelle, daughter to the King of the Parpaillons, a jolly pug, and well-mouthed wench. These two did oftentimes do the two-backed beast together, joyfully rubbing and frotting their bacon ‘gainst one another.” – Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruel 1532

          Good times. lol

  4. Sick layback in the last panel.
    What ever became of the burrito betting for a layback?

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