Some things… just not a good idea. Widen that stance! I’m so afraid for her. Photoshopped? No way to tell since the original is lost in Interwebs&trade obscurity. Here’s where I ffffound this one.
Some things… just not a good idea. Widen that stance! I’m so afraid for her. Photoshopped? No way to tell since the original is lost in Interwebs&trade obscurity. Here’s where I ffffound this one.
Man, Friday T&A has gone down hill.
Rad-Ham pretty much shut down the comments with that one! Rad!
I skated Battleground Washington a few months ago and this old guy in his mid to late 70’s showed up with a tiny little 1960’s plank with clay wheels and started rolling around. I was super stoked on him, but had a hard time watching!
is that Conahan?
Seen it beffffore…
this is shrewsbury shropshire uk in the town park, known as the quarry. in the early 80’s there was a makeshift quater pipe on a sunday that people would session and this old lady was walkin past. a guy called kieth whos family ran and built the local skate park from mid 80’s till early 00’s which featured in the contests and demos section of virtual reality (the blue mini ramps) took this photo!