Rubber, leather and rivets
As much as these look like bindings from water skis attached to a goofy piece of wood, the mechanical design of the skateboard rack from MAxRax is clever. I thin they might sell better wiithout the graphics. Attach the mount to the wall, and the top part slides up as you insert it into the rubber sheath… actually it’s a little bit fetishistic, but a clever design none the less.
– Thanks to Boy Ipoh for the tip.
Rob halford inspired skategear?….he’ll bent for wall hangings
*hell…not he’ll stupid auto correct
They’ll go with your black leather couch and bondage mask.
is he thinking?…ka-ching
Bring out the Gimp!
But the Gimp’s sleepin’…
Well,I guess you have to go wake him up then.
My skateboard is in the closet. Maybe one day it will find the courage to come out and get on the wall, clad in leather. My board also has a thick cowboy mustache.
Without boards like yours standing up loud and proud, the jocks will surely win.
You guys need to get out and skate more.
…says the guy with the keyboard.
you need to actually get cancer and die.
HARSH! (but fair)
My friend is fighting cancer at the moment, and if he loses he will leave his young family behind. Keep your crass, ignornant commentary to yourself.
Just ignorn it.