Apple still hearts skateboarding
Apple’s announced a new format and authoring software for it’s textbook platform on the iPad. Ever since the Switch campaign they’ve been using skateboarding in advertising and marketing pieces for iPods, iPhones and now the iPad via iBooks textbooks. The still is from a video piece on their education web site. The skate footage is only a few seconds buried in a lengthy video, so it’s not really worth watching unless of course you want to learn more about the tablet computer that will one day rule your life. I am not trolling for a free iPad from Apple, because what I really need is a new Mac Mini. Come guys, you’re worth more than Exxon now, how about a product giveaway/review on Skate and Annoy? We are crushing the middle age Extreme!™ demographic here.
It’s everywhere. I heard a discussion of the new Google Privacy Policy on NPR this morning that used the example of how a guy searching for skateboarding on Google would find that his next visit to YouTube would turn up with recommendations of skate videos and skateboard ads would follow him around from site to site. They said you’re supposed to be able to control that via the Google dashboard.
“Say you do a search for skateboarding
Like collectible skateboards, full size Mac’s are more expensive than Mini’s.
Nice try on the give away!!! they should