Japan Day

Not because it’s breaking news, but because I keep getting tips out the wazoo. It’s popular demand. I love these videos, one of the few where the soundscape is an important part of the video, an equal with the and the skating instead of just filling the run time with some rad skating. It’s a sequence with Gou Miyagi (2009 SLAP interview) from Daisuke Takahashi’s “Subspecies.” A little bit parkour heavy, but still good fun, no matter what Carl says.



5 thoughts on “Japan Day

  1. Rad. How come Japanese guys are so good at everything?

    1. Why is that MC?

      1. I’m Irish.

    2. who cares anyway on December 14, 2011 - Reply

      go look up richie jackson-death skateboards in england for a different apporoach…killian martin also does this weird hard to do stuff

  2. I’ve always enjoyed Guo Myagi’s style

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