
9 thoughts on “Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards

  1. Did you watch Labyrinth lately?

    1. You’re thinking of Dark Crystal.

      1. talentlessquitter on December 19, 2011 - Reply

        Both cool movies.

        I’m thinking brazilian children’s tv!

      2. Ah, you’re totally right. Both were Jim Henson projects. In my hazy memory I sometimes think those are the same movies.

        1. talentlessquitter on December 20, 2011 - Reply

          You’re not the only one.
          Think Labyrinth: Bowie,Escher…

  2. I prefer the red curbs myself.

  3. “Hopeless Old Men on skateboards” is nice.
    But seriously when will you start “Topless Young Women on skateboards” ?

  4. Or “Dopeless Young men without skateboards” …

  5. Intolerance? I’ll tolerate them when they stop being freaks and act more like me. 😉

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