Those are not the trademark violators you are looking for.
Lord on Board is an 8″ tall plastic resin figure sculpted by Abell Octovan. He allegedly sells them for $160 a piece delivered, although I can’t seem to figure out where, as he doesn’t seem to have an online presence outside of a flickr stream. The board is a separate piece, and his hand is molded to hold it in a standard skater’s grip. Available photographs show no evidence of evil mall grab capabilities, but the dark side of the Force is strong, so you never know. These things look pretty nifty, but $160 is a special kind of crazy. Then again vinyl toy collecting is a strange phenomenon. At least theses guys can play with their collectables with in reason and they’ll still look like NOS. I’ve often wondered about the copyright ramifications of slapping Darth Vader’s head on a skateboard toy and selling it, but the folks over at the Official Star Wars Blog don’t seem to be too upset.
– Thanks to Concretin Nik for the tip.
Looks lame.I’m sorry for the guy who made it.
Apparently,if you stick a Darth Vader mask on a totally generic figure of a boy,you have created an ‘iconic culture mash-up’ and you can charge art-like prices.
At least vinyl-figure collectors can swap fingerboards for entertainment!