Skreech in the News
Skreech in the New York Times? Why not? He’s already the subject of one (possibly two?) documentary film. So the The New York Times is right on top of the (latest) recession-as-silver-lining for pool skaters story, so my condolences to everyone in California because it must be officially over now. (You are a child of Summer and Winter is coming…) Salba quote? Check. How does he do it? Must be a state law. Reporters have to declare it at customs. I see you’re doing a story on pool skating, can I see your Salba Documents? Watch the trailer for Dragonslayer after the jump.
[Photo – Billy Runaway]
It’s not clear just how much the film’s protagonist has been personally affected by the recession, but his wanderings, from one backyard overgrown with weeds to the next, reveal a landscape ravaged by it.
Robert Ito – New York Times
I can’t wait to see this! Skreech is a beast on the roundwall!